Category: US Constitution v2

  • Quality of Life Indicators

    What are the best knowable quality of life indicators?: American Community Survey Data Selected Social Characteristics Disability Status, Educational Attainment, Language Spoken at Home, Veteran Status, and more Selected Economic Characteristics Commuting (Journey to Work), Health Insurance Coverage, Income and Earnings, Poverty Status, and more Selected Housing Characteristics Computer and Internet Use, House…

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  • Metrics to Get & Incorporate

    JOLTS jobs metric: The amount of open jobs. good to compare with unemployment rate. Consider its value as wages continue to lag. DW-NOMINATE SCORE: It measures the partisanship of a politician.  Quality of Life Metrics: Organization: What are the best knowable quality of life indicators?: Correlations: Notes: Need to identify those things that make each…

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  • Blue vs Red Economies

    Get the KPIs: Wages, Social Spending, Grants, Taxes, Education, Quality of Life indices. Federal money IN/OUT for each state, each county, eacn city. Most cities vote blue and most cities are the biggest economic engines within a county and state. Test the hypothesis that money flows out of blue cities and into the rural red…

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  • Freedom Dividend

    With an America 2.0, could there be an inclusion of a dividend? This is a piece of the idea of making the Federal government emulate GAAP and corporate financial statement where the citizens are the stockholders.  Maybe we could bring this dividend idea down to a lower level also based on the success metrics for…

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  • Citizen Benefits and Responsibilities

    Citizen Benefits/entitlements free water, sewer, garbage removal, shelter, clothes, and food. Energy and internet? Citizen responsibilities: [note: 11/7/2023] Get Richard Haass book, The Bill of Obligations: The Ten Habits of Good Citizens, Homeless shelters Assuming many have mental problems but being able to create some type of incentive that for those that are motivated can work…

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  • Logic Choice Triangle

    Elections can only be 2 of 3 these things: affordable, fast, accurate. What are other triangle choices like this? Restaurants: fast, cheap, clean

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